
La Notte Eterna for 5e

Created by La Notte Eterna

Shiver in fear for a world in eternal nighttime, where weapons glow, vampires never sleep, and werewolves forever howl.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Witch of Darkheart Awakens! 🌕
6 months ago – Sat, Nov 04, 2023 at 04:17:20 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

La Notte Eterna Project Updates: Your Exclusive Access Inside! 🔒🌙
8 months ago – Sat, Sep 23, 2023 at 04:04:43 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Your Midsummer Night's Dream in La Notte Eterna! 🌙
9 months ago – Wed, Aug 23, 2023 at 04:05:41 PM

The Moon smiles on you, wayfarers!

How are your holidays going? We've taken a few days to shed our armor and stretch our legs a bit, but even so, we haven't stopped working. In fact, our adventures through the realms of Nebvarasa have allowed us to write and take notes on everything we've seen (and faced) during our journey.
 And speaking of adventures, we're now just a step away from concluding "The Seal of Immortality". It will be a special gift for our loyal fans and subscribers, a foray into eternal darkness that promises to be fresh and exciting. In the meantime, we're working on the layout, shaping a module filled with magic items, new monsters, and dungeons that will soon be in your hands.
But that's not all! We're also working hard on the final layout of our bestiary (Heroes and Creatures). La Notte Eterna, completely written and revised, is ready for layout, as are the adventure modules unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign. The Song of Nebvarasa is just a few worlds away! Furthermore, we've polished and improved every single issue of Star Gazer and we're about to add the rich extra content we promised. Mission accomplished!
 And now for some big news: the launch of our Patreon is just around the corner. It will be a way to offer our fans a constant stream of new content to fuel the Secret Fire of passion. We'll be kicking off with a specially prepared miniature that we'll reveal soon... we can't wait to hear what you think.
If you haven't already, please subscribe to our newsletter to stay up-to-date with all the important updates. And don't forget to follow us on the La Notte Eterna Twitch channel, where our ambassador GM Kevin is hosting weekly live sessions dedicated entirely to the world of La Notte Eterna, with exceptional players.
Settle comfortably in your chair, pamper your yamyam, and get ready for a flood of pages to read and play with your friends.

Stay in touch and keep exploring the worlds of Nebvarasa with us!


Jason R. Forbus


Sneak peek: Dream Dragon
Dream Dragon, artwork by Angela Gubert

Philip clasped his wife close, more to hide his own tears than to comfort her from death's icy embrace. There was no more hope for their little one; the fever had stolen him away at just 5 years old. After two days of delirium, Albus had closed his eyes only to open them in an instant: no longer in the humble family farm where famine and the marquis's taxes made life impossible, but in a kind of study. Not that he had seen one before, but those heaps of paper and those strange tools laid upon the desk, he had seen the tax collector use them. He approached the pen and the inkwell, sad and disoriented. A voice in his head, sweet and firm at the same time, invited him to draw his story. His true story.

Dream dragons were created by Lanie as her messengers and emissaries among mortals. They do not exist in the real world but populate the realm of dreams. Surviving the death of the goddess, they continue to exist in the realm of dreams and to aid mortals they deem worthy of their counsel and omens. They reveal themselves to them by placing them before more or less complex challenges, sometimes offering new opportunities, if necessary tearing them from the clutches of Krea.

Longing for a Chill in the Air? Discover the Bone-Chilling Updates of La Notte Eterna!
10 months ago – Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 02:57:12 AM

Is this hot summer making you dream of venturing through Frost-Dwell? Are you dousing yourself with sunscreen, all the while imagining the thrill of sitting around a table with friends, fully immersed in the sunless world of La Notte Eterna? While our release may still lie ahead, we have a special announcement that will set your hearts ablaze with anticipation.

✦ Heroes & Creatures ✦

This sinister compendium, pregnant with unimaginable terrors, is but a couple of illustrations away from being handed to our desktop publisher specialist.

✦ Rain of Fire Awaits ✦

While the embers of our endeavors continue to smolder with the “Rain of Fire”, we are thrilled to announce that all the other adventure modules stand prepared for scrutiny by our meticulous reviewers. These guardians of balance shall meticulously pore over the stats, ensuring consistency and equilibrium throughout.

✦ La Notte Eterna and The Song of Nebvarasa ✦

Yet, a few chapters from the Corebook La Notte Eterna and the epic tale of The Song of Nebvarasa still yearn for the final touch of our editors' skilled hands. I, as the humble author, have embarked upon an extensive journey across the Dimensions of Spirit and Matter, scribbling notes to refine and enrich these works.

✦ A Token of Gratitude: An Extra Adventure Awaits ✦

As a testament to our boundless gratitude for your unwavering support, we have prepared an additional adventure: The Seal of Immortality. This exclusive treat shall grace your inboxes as a free treasure trove, teeming with new monstrosities, intriguing NPCs, and artifacts pulsating with eldritch power. Seize this opportunity swiftly, for it is yours to claim as a loyal subscriber to La Notte Eterna’s newsletter.

May the Moon always smile on you, for the darkness yearns to embrace your presence.

Yours eternally,

Jason R. Forbus

Author of La Notte Eterna

Subscribe to La Notte Eterna's newsletter and receive The Seal of Immortality for free!
Subscribe to La Notte Eterna's newsletter and receive The Seal of Immortality for free!

La Notte Eterna's Epic Odyssey Continues!
11 months ago – Sun, Jun 18, 2023 at 04:05:08 PM

The Moon smiles on you, wayfarer.

Greetings from our dreams brewery, fueled by sleep-deprived delight and a double shot of determination! We rise from our fortress of dice to deliver thrilling updates on the wondrous creations we have been forging for you! Here we go:

The Forbidden Tablet: Written by the mystical quill of fantasy author Michele Dal Bo, this bonus adventure promises intrigue, deception, and perhaps a surprise or two. We're diligently reviewing the final draft.

The Sacred Beast: We're knee-deep in reviewing the final draft of this extraordinary stretch goal. Written with infectious enthusiasm by the one and only Jason R. Forbus, this adventure promises to inject copious amounts of excitement to your table.

Full Stats for LNE Gods of Nebvarasa: As you read this missive, our diligent scribes are scrutinizing every detail, ensuring that the character sheets of the mighty gods of Nebvarasa are nothing short of divine perfection.

New Playable Races, Nuno and Klorss: Backers who have ascended to the lofty ranks of Chosen of the Gods are already basking in the glory of these two new playable races. If you wish, you can still join the VIP channel on Discord and claim your place among the Chosen. How? Upgrade your pledge to "Chosen of the Gods" on Backerkit!

The Song of Nebvarasa: currently undergoing meticulous review and playtesting.

Heroes & Creatures: We are sprinting towards the finish line, as this magnificent tome packed with formidable monsters and ancient heroes, is mere moments away from being formatted and sent off for print proofing.

Corebook Editing: As we speak, our diligent editors are dotting the "i's" and crossing the "t's" of the Corebook. Every word, every paragraph, every ink-stained page is meticulously polished, ensuring that the vast tapestry of Neir unfurls before your very eyes. The end of this epic undertaking draws near!

The Unholy Temple of Tenebris: The dark temple stands complete! Soon, it shall be entrusted to our indomitable Desktop Publishing Specialist, Sara (the true guardian of our paginated treasures). Prepare to venture deep into Mubunash, where Tenebris's dark influence looms.

Big Trouble in Varshold: Our illustrious GM, Davide Carnevale, has woven a tale that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Our developer team is now reviewing the mechanics.

Rain of Fire: In the fiery crucible of Jason's imagination, a tale of epic proportions is unfolding. Dragons prepare to soar once more across the skies of Neir.

And, there's more! Behold our brand-new landing page: Feast your eyes upon the mesmerizing subclasses carousel!
We are also pleased to announce the forthcoming arrival of our Patreon (BOOM!). The veil of secrecy shall not be lifted just yet, but rest assured, grand surprises await those thirsting for more from La Notte Eterna.
Before we bid a safe journey, let us raise a mighty cheer for GM Kevin, the valiant ambassador of La Notte Eterna in the United States. Follow him and his intrepid companions on our Twitch channel: Be sure to hit that "follow" button and join the merriment every Friday night (U.S. time).
Onward, to the boundless horizons of adventure! Your unwavering support fuels our creative fervor, and together we shall etch a tale that will echo through the Song of Nebvarasa.

La Notte Eterna's Team

The Gods of La Notte Eterna.